DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT Users of Sportslog must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "Sportslog is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or conse- quential, which may result from the use of Sportslog". Sportslog is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find Sportslog useful and use it you must make a registration payment of $49.00 to Robert Bentsen at 4500 Shannon Lakes Plaza, Suite 167, Tallahassee, Florida 32308. The $49 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like a book. An example is that this software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time. Anyone distributing Sportslog for any kind of remuneration must first contact Robert Bentsen at the address below for authorization. This authorization will be automatically granted to distributors recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering Sportslog immediately (however Robert Bentsen must still be advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-date with the latest version of Sportslog). You are encouraged to pass a copy of Sportslog along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive a copy of the latest version of the Sportslog system. SPORTSLOG is for YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY The only copy of SPORTSLOG that is authorized is the copy made from the disk you purchased to the hard disk on YOUR computer. Under no conditions may you copy the program for anothers use or permit any other party to copy the program. Should Sports System Design become aware of unauthorized copies, all program servicing, updating and continuity activities will be terminated. WARNING GAMBLING IS ILLEGAL IN MOST AREAS OF THE UNITED STATES. THE TRANSMISSION OF GAMBLING INFORMATION ACROSS STATE LINES IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE. The Purchaser of SPORTSLOG agrees that he will not use the SPORTSLOG System for any purpose that might violate local, State or Federal laws. TECHNICAL SUPPORT The Sportslog Support Policy meets ASP requirements. We provide Technical Support from 10 AM to 10 PM Eastern Time. Please use the 904-668-5241 number. Support for the first 90 days is Free. Beyond that, you must have a Registered Version of Sportslog. (See Registration Procedure on page 1 of this documentation. When you register Sportslog you keep alive the spirit and the intent of shareware. Also, you will receive on diskette, the latest version of Sportslog, 90 additional days of free technical support and a hard copy of the documentation. ENHANCED RETAIL VERSION Sportslog has an enhanced Retail Version. The sole difference between the enhanced retail version and the shareware version is the number of accounts Sportslog will handle. The Shareware version handles two (2) accounts. The Enhanced Retail Version handles unlimited accounts and is $249. To upgrade your shareware version, send the original shareware copy that you purchased together with a check or money order for $200. to Robert Bentsen at the address listed on page 1. INTRODUCTION TO SPORTSLOG SPORTSLOG was designed to be easily operated with no previous computer experience. The program is "Menu Driven". After Installing Sportslog (pages enclosed with diskette) you should be able to load "Sportslog" by typing "SPORTS" from either your Primary Directory or the SPORTLOG Directory. There are three primary files involved in Sportslog. They are the LINEFILE, the ACCOUNTS File and the PITCHER File. Each should be saved periodically. For example, "COPY LINEFILE.* A:" would copy the contents of the Linefile to a diskette on the "A" Drive. Schedules are contained in the LINEFILE. Master records (One for each Sport) are maintained from week to week and must never be destroyed unless you Select "Setup/Rpts - Create New Files" from the Main Menu. These Master records contain amounts wagered in each sport together with total amounts won and lost by each type of bet. It is the source of the information displayed in "Profit & Loss". ACCOUNTS Information and Wagering data is maintained in the ACCOUNTS file. Once the Wagering data for a particular day has been processed, the details can be purged (See "Wagering", "Delete Action"). The Account Balance (won or lost) is always retained unless you select "Setup/Rpts - Create New Files" from the Main Menu. Team Rosters, together with Pitcher Names are maintained in the PITCHER File. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS To run SPORTSLOG you need an IBM Compatible computer operating under DOS 3.3 or higher, with a hard disk, and a color Monitor. Sportslog does not require a printer. SPORTSLOG MAIN MENU The "Main Menu" is divided into 5 Options plus an Exit. Each Option contains several Sub-Options. The five Main Options are: 1. SCHEDULES 2. SCORES 3. CLIENTS 4. WAGERING 5. SETUP/RPTS CURSOR MOVEMENT For Top Bar Selections, use the right and left arrow keys. Arrowing left, once, from "Schedules" brings you to "Exit" and saves arrowing right 5 times. Similarily, use the up, down arrow keys to select Sub Options. Arrowing Up from the first Option, brings you to the "Quit" Option. You're Welcome. MAIN OPTION SCHEDULES Sub Option: Create Schedules & Lines After Selecting "Create Schedule & Lines" from the Main Menu: 1. SPORTSLOG will ask you for which Sport you want to enter the Line. 2. You will be prompted to enter the date of the Schedule, in the format YY/MM/DD. This is the Date of the Games you will be enter- ing into the Schedule. (Sometimes it will be the same as the current date, and sometimes it will be different.) Examples: For: February 23, 1992 TYPE <920223> April 12, 1992 TYPE <920412> If the "Y" Date is 000000 OR a Date Other than the one you want, Type "N" at the "Y/N" Prompt and Enter the Correct Schedule Date. It is highly recommended that you use the Sunday date for ALL NCAA and NFL games in a particular week. 3. Next, except for Baseball, you will be prompted for a "Y" or "N" as answer to "WANT TOTALS ? If you make Totals wagers answer , otherwise, Type . 4. Finally, Enter Game Number, Name of Team, Point- spread and Totals, if any. The Line must ALWAYS be positive and always be on the screen line of the Favorite. For example, If the favorite is the Visitor, the entries are made on the first screen line. If the Home Team is the favorite, the entries are made on the second screen line. To indicate to SPORTSLOG that entering a Schedule is complete, TYPE <999> in the space where you would ordinarily type the next Team Number. 5. BASEBALL: Enter Game Number, Pitcher Number (Team Name comes up automatically from previously created rosters. Enter the Line. Eg. -140. Next enter the Totals. Eg. 6.5. Next enter the Totals Money line for the favorite (usually -110). Finally, enter "1" for Over the favorite. SUMMARY 1. The Pointspread number is always entered next to the Favorite. In Baseball, always enter the Visiting Team's line. Eg. -140. 2. Don't type in any Plus or Minus signs (except in Baseball). 3. The TOTAL (Over/Under Number), if there is one, is entered on the same line as the pointspread number. 4. Parlays on teams playing on different dates, can only be accepted by "pretending" that they are being played on the same date. To parlay a Sunday football game with the Monday night game, or a Thursday game with a Sunday game, you should create a schedule with all teams as playing on Sunday. The recommended procedure is to list all the week's football games, college and pro, for Sunday's date. That way you can enter parlays on all football games, including college teams with pro teams. 5. If you make a mistake entering a game, simply re-enter it. The last entry you make is the one permanently recorded. MAIN OPTION SCHEDULES Sub Options: Advance Scheduling AND Complete Advance Scheduling. Not available in Baseball. Advance Scheduling & Complete Advance Scheduling enable you to type in Schedules in advance of the games and before the Lines are published. An obvious use is to preclude typing NCAA Basketball and Football games on Game Day. To Complete the Schedule, use "Complete Advance Scheduling". Sub Option: Delete Game(s). Two types of deletion are permitted: By specific game and by entire schedules. The Menus are quite straight forward. What is important is that you know the difference between the two options. There is only one instance where you would want to delete a specific game. That is if the game you entered actually does not exist on the schedule. If you entered it incorrectly, Re-Enter the correct Information in "Create Schedules & Lines". The other use (deleting groups of games, by date) is to eliminate excess data storage from your hard disk when it is no longer useful. DELETION BY DATES: In this option, you will be asked to enter the "From and To dates". Then, all games entered from and including the FROM DATE and to and including the TO DATE will be deleted. The games are not actually removed from the hard disk. They are tagged as "unavailable" and are overwritten as new data is entered. In effect, the available space on your hard disk has been increased but in terms of copying data to a floppy, any copy command copies all data, including records tagged as "unavailable". The only way to actually remove these records from the hard disk is to run a Utility such as "PC Tools" to compress disk space. Sub Option: Print/Display. Information entered into the Line & Schedule can either be Displayed or Printed. When you select "D", for Display, you will be prompted for the GAME NUMBER from which you want to start viewing. Eg. If you wanted to see games beginning with Team 5, TYPE <5>. The display will begin with one "screenfull" of the Schedule beginning with Game 5. When you select "P", for Print, (make sure your printer is turned on) you will be prompted to choose between alpha or numeric, except in Baseball, where printouts are only numeric. In numeric sequence, you will receive a listing of the games in the sequence of your schedule. In alpha sequence, your printout will be in alphabetic order, which is helpful in finding a team by name without having to scan a long schedule of games for a game number. MAIN OPTION SCORES Sub Option: Enter Finals (Scores) It is not necessary to enter scores of games in consecutive order. Whenever you get scores, you can enter them. If you make an error, simply re-enter the score. The last score entered is the one retained. To Exit, TYPE <999> where you would normally enter another game number. In Baseball, you will be asked to enter the Starting Pitcher's number. You must enter it, even if it is the same as the Pitcher number first entered. Also, do not enter the score of any incomplete games (games called after 1 or 2 innings). Rather, enter a score of 99 - 99. This constitutes a "No Action Game" and will not figure in any other connected games. Sub Option: Verify (Scores) When you Display Scores, SPORTSLOG will display games in numeric sequence. It is always wise to verify scores prior to processing wagers, and is a good time to save all files. Sub Option: Print (Scores) Printed scores are also in Game Number sequence for specific Sports. MAIN OPTION CLIENTS EXIT ACCOUNT MENUS BY ENTERING 9999 IN ACCOUNT. Sub Option: Add Enter Account Number, Name, Opening Balance AND YTD (Year To Date). If you are opening the particular Account with a balance from previous action, enter it. The Account Balance reflects the balance at the time of entry. NOTE: Account Numbers 101-110 are reserved for layoffs, and should only be assigned if so used. Layoffs are processed as other wagers except that their amounts are not factored into the P&L. Sub Option: Edit Sportslog updates balances each time you enter Scores and PROCESS WAGERS, but whenever money changes hands, that is, you pay or collect, the balance must be edited to reflect the new balance forward. Sportslog does not add or subtract to the balance. It simply records the new balance you enter. NEVER edit the YTD unless it is in error. YTD is maintained by Sportslog and reflects total account activity over the entire year. Sub Option: Delete If you attempt to delete a Client who has a balance, you will be given the option to continue or exit. Deleting an account erases all reference to that account and should never really be done unless the account has a zero balance and you no longer desire to retain the wager history. Sub Option: Verify Examine the Accounts File by selecting "D", (for Display), the first account from which you wish to begin viewing, and the number of the account at which you wish to stop. Sub Option: Print Select "P", (for Print), the number of the account from which you wish to begin printing, and the number of the account at which you wish to stop. MAIN MENU WAGERING Entering Action is by far the most complex option. A study of the types of wagers permitted can save a lot of problems in entering wagers. All Odds are preset and can be over-ridden in most cases at Wager Entry time. All examples will use $100 as the wager. TYPES OF BETS STRAIGHT - In football and basketball the straight wager odds are 11-10. That is, risk $110 to win $100. Enter $100 as the wager. Win 100, lose 110. The Line on a game can be changed at Wager entry time and is permanently changed by doing so. Odds can be changed at entry time, and pertain only to the specific wager at hand. In baseball, enter the same wager amount as the line or a equal fraction thereof. Eg. If the line is -140, enter $140, $70 or $35 to win 100, 50 or 25, OR, if wagering on the underdog, enter $100, $50 or $25 to win 140, 70, 35. No change can be made to the line at wager entry time and the odds are integral to the line. Choice of Action (AC), Listed Pitcher (LP), Visiting Pitcher (LV), or Home Pitcher (LH). Action means pitcher is irrelevant to the wager. Listed Pitcher means both assigned pitchers must start or the wager is cancelled. Visiting Pitcher means, the listed pitcher for the visiting team must start. Home Pitcher means, the listed pitcher for the home team must start. In hockey, the line is "Split". That is entering 2 as the line on the favorite generates the dog at 2.5. No line change is permitted at wager entry time and odds are 11-10. TOTALS - Essentially the same as Straight except for selection of Over or Under. PARLAYS - In all sports but baseball, 6 is the maximum number of teams that can be linked. In baseball, the maximum number is 4. Parlay lines can be changed at wager entry time, but odds cannot be. In all sports but baseball, the selection of Side, Over or Under is required. There is no Over/Under selection in baseball, nor can the line or odds be changed. TEASERS - There are no Teasers in Baseball or Hockey. In Football and Basketball, two and three team Teasers are permitted. In Football the point choice is 6, 6 1/2, or 7 points. In Basketball, the point selection is 4, 4 1/2 or 5. You can change the line, but you cannot change the odds. ROUND ROBINS - This is essentially a series of parlays without all of the data entry. All Round Robins are two team parlays. Two is the minimum number of teams that can be linked and four is the maximum. For example a three team round robin, entering teams 1, 3 and 5, would generate three, two-team parlays: 1 with 3, 1 with 5, and 3 with 5. Selection of "All" would generate an additional three-team parlay linking 1, 3 & 5. Selection of Side, Over or Under is permitted, but no line or odds changing is allowed. SPECIFICS Sub Option: Enter Action NOTE: Be aware that you cannot enter a wager on a game unless a Line for that game has already been entered in the Line File AND the Account exists in the Account File. If you try to enter a wager on a game that doesn't exist in your Line File, or for an account that doesn't exist, you will get an error message to that effect. 1) Enter the Date of the Schedule and the Account number for which you are entering a wager. Account information will appear on the bottom portion of the screen. A flashing asterisk beside the balance brings to your attention that the account has a negative balance. 2) Entering a Straight Bet. Enter the Wager Type (1). IMPORTANT: As soon as you depress the number key, the cursor immediately moves to "SPT" for the Sport entry. This is to save a key stroke. A quick hand here can be deadly. For example, the tendancy when first using Sportslog is to enter "1" AND the Enter key. This bypasses the Sport entry (defaults to "3" for NFL). If in fact, the entry is for the NFL, then "1" and "enter" is correct. If however, your entry was not for the NFL you would have made an error, and be stuck at team number for the wrong sport. In this situation, simply enter an incorrect game number, such as 985, and you will be able to reenter. For old Sportslog users this "trick" replaces "same sport" entry. 3) Enter the Game number of the team for which the wager is being entered. 4) Enter the amount of the wager. Remember, $100 is the entry for win 100, lose 110. To reverse an incorrectly entered bet, enter the exact same wager for the negative amount. Eg. If you entered 1000 and meant 100, enter -1000 and then re-enter the intended amount. The 1000 wager and the -1000 wager, no matter who wins will wash. The second line of the "Options/Message Area" entitled "Continuing" allows you in permitted cases, to change the line (5), which is permanent, override the pre-existing odds (6), which applies to the specific wager only, enter another wager for the same account (7), (REMEMBER, depressing "7" AND Enter if the Sport is not "3" (NFL) will get you into trouble, or Exit Account (9). If you change the line, remember that you must enter a minus sign if the new line is on the favorite. For example, if you change a line of -7.5 line by half a point, enter -7.0 or -8.0 as the case may be. If you overlay odds (6), you will be asked for the new "Lay" and the new "Take". For example, the standard odds on a straight bet are lay 11, take 10, meaning lay 11 dollars to win 10. If you are changing odds to say, 6-5, you would enter the new lay as 12 or 6, and the new take as 10 or 5 respectively, (since 12-10 and 6-5 are the same.) To enter more wagers for the same account, depress the 7, and if you have completed the entries for this account, enter 9. To exit the module, enter 9999 in the account number area. 5) Entering a Totals Bet (Over/Under) Entering a Totals wager is the same as for Straight Bets with the following exception: a) Enter "1" for Over or "2" for Under as the case may be, when prompted to do so. 6) Entering Parlays In Parlay mode, Sportslog will ask for "How Many Teams" in the Parlay, the usual Sport, Game Number and Amount of wager, whether the selection is for the game itself (Side) or for the Over/Under. When complete, the usual "Continuing Messages" apply. Parlay Nuances: a) After entering the amount and the over/under selection, "7" MUST be entered to tell Sportslog you are ready to enter the next portion of the Parlay. b) No money is entered after the first line entry is made. 7) Entering Teasers In Teaser mode, Sportslog will ask for "How Many Teams" in the Teaser, the usual Sport, Game Number and the Amount of the wager. There is no provision in Teasers for Over/Under, so that prompt will not be forthcoming. You will however, be prompted to enter the number of points in the teaser. In football, the choice is 6 points, 6 1/2 points or 7 points. In basketball, it is 4 points, 4 1/2 points or 5 points. Teaser Nuances: a) After entering the amount, "7" MUST be entered to tell Sportslog you are ready to enter the next portion of the Teaser. b) No money is entered after the first line entry is made. c) Unlike all other teasers, two team teaser odds are not in favor of the player. The odds here are 11-10. That is, you risk $110 to win 100, just like in a straight bet. A common error in entering the wager amount is to enter $100 (because thats what you do in all other situations) rather than the risked of 110. For example, if you enter $100 as the bet (risked amount) and win, the computer will show the win as $90. In order to win $100 in this situation, the risk must be $110, and that is the number that should be entered. 8) Entering Round Robins A Round Robin is a series of PARLAYS. If, for example, you want to take three teams and combine each of the teams in a 2-team parlay with each of the other teams, you would tell Sportslog that you want a 2-Team Round Robin (two teamer) with 3 games. (This creates three separate 2-team parlays.) The entries are similar to a regular Parlay except that at the end of entering the teams involved, a message "Including All? "Y/N" will appear. Responding generates one more Parlay with all the teams in it. Finally, Sportslog will display the total amount bet on all the parlays contained in the Robin. Sub Option: Review Activity Selecting this Option allows you to display, by specific Account, the results on any given day. If wagers have been processed, the win/loss amount will show, as well as the new YTD and Balance forward. Sub Option: Compute Results Anytime you elect to "Compute Results" (Process Wagers), Sportslog will produce a win/lose result on all games processed to that point, plus a count of the number of games that were processed. Sportslog will never "process" games twice, so there is no need to wait until the end of the day, if you want to intermittantly process. After Entering Scores, Verifying them, AND Saving both the Account and Line files, Selecting "Compute Results" will invoke the workhorse of the system, and the reason for which many people purchase Sportslog. Select "D" for Debit or "C" for Credit, depending upon how you want to see the results portrayed. (with the "Message Board" ON, an explanation of the different results is portrayed). After selecting the Schedule date for which you wish to process records, and accepting it, Sportslog will "load" all games for which scores were entered and display the number of "Game Records" loaded. An opportunity to Exit the process is provided at this point. Perhaps another score has become final, and you want to include it. Finally, a "Cancel/Proceed" decision is requested. If you choose to proceed at this point, THERE IS NO RETURNING. A Blinking message will let you know that all is well and that Sportslog is doing its job. Computers never get tired and always produce the correct result (although you might not like it). A Final message tells you the result for this "set" of games, displays the Opening Balance, before the sets result is applied, the result of the processing and the new or Closing Balance. Sub Option: Line Analysis This Selection displays, by Schedule Date, dollars wagered for each Line and Over/Under. Select the Sport, the Schedule Date and the the game number of the Visiting Team (Odd numbered). The display also indicates the difference between dollars wagered on the Visiting team vs. the Home team. The "Continue Options" permit analysing another game or the Over/Under analysis for the same two teams. To exit, enter 999 in Visiting Game number. Sub Option: Delete Action Normally, a hard disk can contain all of a year's records with little storage problem. However, should you want to delete Action Records, the date you select AND all dates prior, will be deleted from the Account file. The number of records deleted via this process will be displayed at the completion of the process. Use of this Option deletes all wagers for a specific day or series of days from the Accounts file. Master records in the Account File (one for each Account) are never deleted (unless you "Start New Files" from the "SETUP/RPTS") Menu. MAIN MENU SETUP/RPTS Sub Option: Start New Files Sportslog does not come with any files. They are created by invoking the "SETUP/RPTS" menu and this Sub Option. Within this Option you can independently create the Linefile, the Accounts File and the Pitchers File. You need all three regardless of whether you use the baseball modules. You must create the files at least once before you begin using "Sportslog". Sub Option: Setup Odds Sportslog contains previously set odds, which are those used at most of the Las Vegas Sports Books. We know, however, that odds differ in different parts of the country. Sportslog has the capability to change any and all odds. The "Setup Odds" module facilitates the changes. Following are the menu choices and explanations: SET ODDS 1 STRAIGHT 2 TOTALS 3 PARLAYS 4 TEASERS 5 IMBALANCE AMOUNT SIGNAL 6 COLLECT ON TIES 7 BASEBALL 9 Exit CHANGING STRAIGHT BET ODDS: If you Select Straight Odds you will learn that all Straight bet odds are set at 11-10. Hockey is set at Even money and uses a Split-line. Select the Sport involved and change the odds to whatever you want. One of the changes often made, is in College Sports where the odds are changed to 6-5. CHANGING OVER/UNDER ODDS (TOTALS): Changing Totals Odds is no different than changing Straight Bets. Changing the Straight Bet odds doesn't AUTOMATICALLY change the Totals odds (and vice versa). Each set of odds must be changed separately. CHANGING PARLAY ODDS: PARLAY odds are also changed by Sport, and then, by number of teams in the Parlay. Select a Sport, change the parlay odds by selecting the number of teams in the parlay, and the the "lay", "take" odds. NOTE: In any Parlay, where there is a tie, SPORTSLOG automatically drops the odds to the next lower set. Eg. A tie in a three team parlay would drop the odds to 13-5 (from 6-1). A tie in a two team parlay would drop the odds to 11-10 (from 13-5). A winning $100. bet in this case would only win $90. CHANGING TEASER ODDS: Once you've chosen Teasers, Sportslog displays a message that asks you if you want to change Football Teasers or Basketball Teasers. IMBALANCE AMOUNT SIGNAL: One of Sportslog features is to notify you when action on a game exceeds, by any amount you specify, the amount you set as your maximum. This is extremely helpful in controlling yourself when spreading bets out with different accounts and at different lines. Also, you can have different "Notification" amounts for TOTALS than for SIDES (Straight Bets), as well as different amounts by Sport. The Sportslog Imbalance default amounts are set at $5,000 for STRAIGHT BETS and $2,000 for TOTALS. To change the Imbalance Amount: Select the Sport for which you want to change the Imbalance Amount. When the cursor moves to the first AMOUNT column, enter the "Straight" amount. (No commas or decimals). When the cursor moves to the next Amount column, enter the "Totals" amount. Entries must be in tandum, so you must change both columns even should one stay the same. COLLECT ON TIES: Most "Accountants" do not take money on ties. In Vegas, it would be unheard of, however, it does happen when the accountant is "the only game in town". Sportslog treats all ties as "No Bet" unless the "Collect on Ties" designator is switched from "N" to "Y". Select the Sport you want, the type of bet, AND CHANGE THE "N" to "Y". You can separately control each Sport and each Type. Sub Option: Profit & Loss Sportslog displays total action bet, how much was won or lost, and percentages (loss or gain) in each sport. In addition, it breaks down each sport into types of bet. Following is a sample Profit and Loss Display for the NBA and a brief explanation: SPORT AMT WAGERED % of TOTAL AMT WON % of WAGERED 1 750,870 13.6 30,710 4.1 5,519,270 100.0 266,790 4.9 AMT WAGERED: The number in this column represents the total amount of money wagered in this sport. For example, $750,870 has been wagered in NBA Basketball to date. % OF TOTAL: This figure represents this sport's percentage of the total volume. In the above sample, 13.6% of all bets made were made in the NBA. AMT WON: This figure shows you the total amount of money won or lost in each sport. % OF WAGERED: This figure represents the percentage of the Win/Loss amount compared to the total bet for that sport. For example, the $30,710 won in the NBA represents 4.1 % of the $750,870 wagered. Sub Option: Wager Listing This is a Transaction Listing of all wagers recoreded in order of entry. Its sole purpose is to verify, prior to wager processing, that an incorrect amount was not inadvertently entered. Sub Option: Account Recap Lists all activity for a specific date by account number. MAIN MENU SETUP/RPTS Sub Option: Baseball Sportslog handles Baseball, for the most part, in the same manner as described in the main part of the documentation. However, there are some major differences which follow. First, you must decide whether you will be operating under a 10, 15 or 20 cent line. Then, you must create a Pitcher's Roster for each team in the National and American leagues. The first screen presented contains two options: 1. Set/Change Line 2. Pitcher File Edit. The SET/CHANGE LINE option allows you to select the 10 cent line, 15 cent line or 20 cent line options for wager calculation. The PITCHER FILE EDIT contains four options: Add Roster, Delete Roster, Add/Delete Pitcher, and Print Rosters. At the beginning of each baseball season you must create a Pitchers file with each team in both the National and American leagues in it. This is done by the Add Team option. Each time you select this option, you will be prompted for League, Team Roster number and Team name. The Roster number is merely a roster number for that team. We recommend you assign numbers sequentially and that you enter the teams in alphabetical order. When you add a team, a bucket for that team, allowing for the insertion of 15 pitcher names, is created. For example, entering roster number one creates a place for pitchers 1-15 and entering roster number two creates a place for pitchers 16-30 etc. Next, use "Add/Delete Pitcher" to insert into each roster number, the team's pitchers for the season. When you select this option, you will be prompted for league and roster number. IMPORTANT: Each time you enter a pitcher name, depress the TAB key, NOT the Enter key. The cursor will drop one line. If you wish to exit depress the Escape key (Esc) or the Enter Key. Finally, use "Print Rosters" to list in entering daily Baseball Lines. The following pages describe differences in Main Menu Options for Baseball processing. Sub Option: Baseball - Line Entry Baseball games are entered by Game Number and Pitcher Number. After you enter the game number, Sportslog will ask for "Pitcher Number". This number is the number of the pitcher assigned in the roster. When you enter this number, Sportslog automatically will display the name of the pitcher together with the Team Name. When you enter the line, you must enter the line on the Visiting team. As an example, and assuming a 20 cent line, if the visiting team is the favorite, you would enter -130. If the Visiting team was the dog, you would enter +110. You will then be asked for the "Totals". Enter the Over/Under Runs number. Next, you will be asked for the Totals money line. There are two possibilities here: a) Depress Enter twice. This assumes 110 with Over the favorite a and is the recommended way. b) Enter a line. We recommend entering the line of the favorite (-135) and "1" indicating that Over is the favorite. In either case, the line is assumed to be 20 cents. After the Visiting Team information has been entered, Sportslog will ask you for the number of the home team pitcher, and will automatically display the name of the pitcher, the team name and the opposite side of the line entries. Continue entering games or enter 999 to Exit. If you make a mistake entering a line on a game, just re-enter the same game number as your next entry. Sub Option: Baseball - Advance Scheduling There is no facility to enter baseball games in advance since games are entered by pitcher number. Sub Option: Baseball - Final Scores Entry of Final Scores in Baseball is a little more complex since Sportslog must know who the pitchers were in order to properly process wagers. When you enter the game number, Sportslog will display the Starting Pitcher and ask for the score. After entering the score, you must enter the pitcher who actually started regardless if it is the same one. Then you will be asked to enter the home team's score and its starting pitcher. In entering Scores the following guide should help: a) Entering a Tie (3-3) Result: Over/Under bets paid. b) Entering 99-99 Result: No Action. Sub Option: Baseball - Wager Entry The main difference in entering a baseball bet is that the Pitcher is important. During the bet entry, Sportslog will ask for one of four entries describing whether the bet is Action, Listed Pitchers, Listed Pitcher (home team) or Listed Pitcher (visiting Team). If the bet is "Action" (who pitches is irrelevant). If BOTH listed pitchers must go, Select "LP". If only the Home Pitcher must go, Select "LH". If only the Visiting Pitcher must go, Select "LV". Wager Amounts should be in accordance with the line. For Example, if a bet is on a -140 favorite, the amount entered should be in amounts evenly divisable. Eg. $35, $70, $105, 140 etc. Amounts entered on the dog should be evenly divisable into 100. Good luck with Baseball.